Literacy for early years

Tracing my ABC’s PDF Workbook
Tracing my ABC’s PDF Workbook for young children to practice their writing and know what words have the beginning sound of the letter they are writing. This workbook is filled with easy steps on how to write a letter, word searches, mazes, and writing practice.
Inside you will find:
step-by-step writing for the letters A to Z
words with pictures that begin with each letter
look for and color the letter being practiced and count how many found
word search to look for the words that go with the letter being practiced
maze to help a letter get to the next letter in the alphabet
extra pages for writing practice
With the fun and engaging activities included in this resource the student will enjoy practicing their handwriting and be excited to see what the rest of the pages show.
Did you know that by having young children do word searches you are increasing their problem-solving skills, spelling, and further improve language learning? It’s a great way to learn words, increase vocabulary and make them feel smarter!
Are you following my store? If not, you may be missing out on resources that your kiddos may benefit from. I upload every week and every month I release a FREEBIE!
I love creating resources for you and I am full of gratitude for the opportunity of my work being used in your classroom.

Los Números 0-100: ¡Vamos a contar!
Este libro está diseñado para niños pequeños que estan aprendiendo a contar, escribir, deletrear y decir los números del 0 al 100 en español. El libro contiene una variedad de actividades que proporcionarán horas de diversión mientras rastrean, escriben, colorean y cuentan. Cada página tiene instrucciones en inglés y español para niños bilingües. Ten a tu pequeño listo para su primer año en la escuela con este lindo libro lleno de dibujos que los ayudará a contar de 0 a 20 y contar de 10 en 10 hasta 100. Este libro también es un gran compañero para los niños pequeños que hablan inglés pero desean aprender a contar en español. Este libro ha sido probado por niños y aprobado por maestros para aprender y tener diversión.
práctica de escritura
práctica de conteo de dibujos
práctica de rastreo de letras
coloreando por el número indicado
conecta los puntos
escribiendo números faltantes
contando por diez
Un video que muestra a los niños cómo contar del 1 al 20.
Un video que muestra a los niños a contar de diez en diez.
A ellos les encantará.
¿Estás siguiendo mi tienda? Puedes estar perdiendo recursos de los que tus nenes pueden beneficiarse. ¡Subo todas las semanas y cada mes lanzo algo GRATIS! Me encanta crear recursos para ti y estoy agradecida por la oportunidad que me brindas al utilizar mi trabajo en tu clase. ¡GRACIAS!
This book is designed for small children learning how to count, write, spell, and say the numbers 0-100 in Spanish. The book contains a variety of activities that will provide hours of fun as they trace, write, color, and count. Each page has instructions in English and Spanish for bilingual children. Have your little one ready for their first year in school with this cute book filled with graphics which will help them count from 0-20 and skip count 10 to 100. This book also forms a great companion for younger children who speak English but wish to learn to count in Spanish. This book has been kid tested and teacher approved for learning fun.
handwriting practice
picture counting practice
letter tracing practice
color by the number
connect the dots
writing missing numbers
counting by 10’s
They will love it!
Are you following my store? If not, you may be missing out on resources that your kiddos may benefit from. I upload every week and every month I release a FREEBIE!
I love creating resources for you and I am thankful for the opportunity of my work being used in your classroom, THANK YOU!

Make Your Own Crime Scene Activity
Make your own crime scene with these printable sheets. The sheets included will have you fill out victim statements, witness statements, suspects, details of the crime scene, and sketches if you are the one creating the crime scene. If you are the “detective” you will review the crime scene and follow the Detective’s 5 steps while you fill your own sheets to narrow down the prime suspect, figure out the motive, and find out how the suspect perpetrated the crime. The “detective” will process the crime scene to get to find out who dunnit!
Hungry for more? Well, glad you are because I have included the case of “The Stolen Phone.” That’s right, someone’s phone got stolen in the classroom and we got 3 witnesses and 3 suspects and we need a detective on the case. Are you available? Get on the case and solve it to put an end to this mystery. This case was designed for ages 9+ and can be solved by someone on their own or with a group.
What this super fun crime scene activity includes:
Create the crime scene sheets where you design your own crime
Be the “detective” forms where you use the Detective’s 5 steps to find out who did it
The Case of the Stolen Phone which needs to be solved PRONTO!
Answer to the case of the stolen phone
Availability in PDF Form setup so the kiddos can type their answers.
Assembly instructions
Have fun & bring your critical thinking skills!
I would also recommend you to follow my store to be notified of future FREEBIES and products that will be coming in the future. I am eternally grateful to you for opening the doors of your home and/or classroom and allowing my work to be used for enrichment (or just plain fun) in your lessons.

Venn Diagram Compare and Contrast for First Grade
The Venn Diagrams in this download include comparisons between:
bus and car
dog and cat
ladybug and bee
frog and fish
moon and Earth
pear and apple
pig and horse
chick and canary
butterfly and bee
car and bicycle
worm and ladybug
chicken and cow
helicopter and airplane
watermelon and banana
moon and sun
palm tree and tree
airplane and car
one empty Venn Diagram for YOU to pick the two subjects being compared
Get the kiddos thinking and writing.

Prepositions Worksheets
This packet contains preposition worksheets and flashcards. Wide variety of activities in English & Spanish that the students are sure to enjoy. It provides well detailed explanation of each prepositional word. The students practice their handwriting as they write each prepositional word and label the objects in the picture which help them describe the scenery to fully understand each word. The true & false worksheets helps students pay close attention to each sentence and tests them in order to comprehend whether they truly understand the usage of each prepositional word. Please view the thumbnails to get an idea of what is included in this download.
Some of the worksheets included will require glue and scissors.
The prepositions included are the following:
-next to
-in front of
This download also comes along with 2 different sets of flashcards, which also come in English & Spanish. The first set of flashcards contain pictures demonstrating the prepositional word and a sentence using said word. The second set contains one picture on the first half of the card and the kiddos have to pair it with the second half in order to build a whole card.
Have fun!